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Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences
Release Date:2024-08-23 Info. Source:Beijing Overseas Talents Center

Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences (BAQIS) is an innovative research institution, sponsored by Beijing municipal government, and founded with partnership of leading research institutions such as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, etc. 

BAQIS focuses on the fundamental and frontier issues of quantum physics and quantum information science and technology. It has integrated great resources from its partnering institutions in terms of talents and facilities. It has developed advanced synergetic R&D and measurement platforms to be shared across the world, with an attempt to attract top-notch global talents to forge a world leading research force for the research of quantum information science and technology. 

official website:http://en.baqis.ac.cn/

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Subject: Recruitment Fair for Global Talents(GT²HR)
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